Getting Faster At 5x5

Full Advanced Big Cubes Playlist

5x5 advanced techniques are mostly intuitive, with very few algorithms.

There are no recommended times or goals for this, because it largely depends on your 3x3 skill. Unlike 3x3, you can learn them all relatively quickly. If you want to be good at 5x5, you should learn all of these. They are listed below in order of importance.

Free Slice Edge Pairing

This technique used for all big cube solving methods.

Free Slice Edge Pairing solves the first 8 edges (out of 12 total edges) while keeping the centers unsolved.

This video also covers Reduction and Yau, which are the most popular methods on 5x5.

Other Tips (Centers, Edges, 3x3 Stage)

This is an overview of what you should know, including efficient center-building techniques, edge pairing tricks, and general advice for 3x3 stage.

Big Cube Tips (5x5, 6x6, 7x7, etc.)

These are tips for all big NxN cubes, no matter the size. Some of these will also help you with 5x5!